
This October we’re super excited to be involved with Winchester School of Arts event Small Press: Independent Comics and Self Publishing .


There will be loads of stuff going on, the main aim of which is to introduce the students at the school to the wonderful world of self publishing. Lots of artists will be involved, but for our bit we are creating a space that is open to all. We think this will reflect how accessible self publishing is.

Here is our call for submissions for the exhibition –

The exhibition’s title is : Small Press : Independent Comics and Self Publishing ( see the link above ) and it will be held at the Winchester School of Art. The idea of the main organiser is to introduce the students there to self publishing and Independently produced comics. There are many artists taking part and we’d really like to include something from you.

For our part of the exhibition we’ll be making a open access art space, which means inviting people to send work for the show; students, hobbyists, self publishers and anyone that would like to exhibit something. We hope to get some really great work and that the diversity of exhibitors will be a great way to open communication between those taking part…

Would you like some work to be to be included? Attached is a flyer. Please pass on this invite to anyone who you think would be interested.

We are asking for work up to A3 in size, and will accept physical copy, or digital, which we will print.

Love all round.



Autumn 2016

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